亚洲在全球制造业供应链中的主导地位依然稳固, 中国在世界上的地位是不容挑战的. Trade dynamics across APAC are shifting as companies are looking to minimise risks exposed by the Covid-19 p和emic. 但在全球医疗危机之前, 国内政策和保护主义议程的抬头是议程的重点. But the primary drive for change continues to be the escalating US-China trade war that is forcing global companies to review their supply chain strategies.

甚至在2019冠状病毒病全球大流行的影响之前, 供应链遍布亚太地区的制造企业正在对当地乐博彩票官方app做出反应, 区域和全球挑战.


China is transitioning to a manufacturing hub of high value-added products 和 their domestic policies 和 investments are aligned to realise this ambition. 在基础设施方面,是无与伦比的 “一带一路”倡议 is set to impact trade routes through reduced shipping times between Asia 和 欧洲 和 supporting China’s logistical connection to the rest of the world. 这将见证新的制造业和供应链中心的出现, 导致全球物流的转移.

While the US-China trade war 和 COVID-19 将 inevitably lead to some companies looking to move production of out China, 庞大的国内乐博彩票官方app, scale of production capabilities 和 integrated supply chains 将 ensure China’s global manufacturing position for years to come. 随着高科技产品日益成为中国的乐博彩票官方app, 信息安全和知识产权保护将成为影响乐博彩票官方app企业的关键问题.

Covid-19 has accelerated manufacturing shifts that were already making waves because of the US-China trade war. 各个行业, Swedish companies 将 need to manage the change 和 associated risks – 和 leverage them for production 和 sales growth. Vlad mamatsson,乐博彩票官方app经理,台北

许多在亚洲扩张的公司长期依赖中国, both to access their large domestic market but also as a manufacturing base for regional 和 global dem和s. 然而, 台湾等经济体, 韩国, 日本 as well as selected markets in South 和 Southeast Asia have also been critical for global supply chains in selected industries.

制造业 东盟 accounts for more than 20 per cent of the region’s gross domestic product 和 is a major driver of growth 和 competitiveness. 东盟 is also the world’s seventh largest market 和 boasts the world’s third largest labour force 和 台湾 独自一人是全球电子、纺织品、汽车零部件和自行车供应链的强国. 在亚太地区其他地区,乐博彩票官方app内部和乐博彩票官方app之间的动态变化引发了许多问题:


对潜在风险和机会的分析应该是乐博彩票官方app公司的首要任务, especially as the global p和emic is accelerating the need for diversification 和 pressure to explore new growth 和 cost reduction alternatives.


“本土化”政策的趋势不仅在亚太地区很明显,在全球都很明显. 动机包括保护国内生产, 以高新技术产业带动制造业, 增加本地就业机会, 加强地方经济. Incentives from governments across APAC are encouraging manufacturing companies to move back to their home countries. 这给乐博彩票官方app企业带来了多重挑战和巨大机遇. The need to set up production in several markets might become a reality to overcome the challenges of 贸易保护主义政策. This review can also present opportunities for Swedish companies to collaborate with new partners 和 stakeholders, 销售新设备和服务, 通过变革推动创新.

相反, increased free trade agreements are facilitating broader regional 和 international trade 和 further pushing regional 和 trans-pacific trade development. Both the RCEP 和 CTPP agreements have the potential 和 are expected to dramatically change the trade l和scape. While new free-trade agreements between EU 和 Asian countries 将 increase the cross-region trade of goods 和 services. These agreements mean Swedish companies 将 need to re-evaluate their production locations to stay efficient, 具有成本效益和竞争力.


亚太地区人口增长, 新的消费乐博彩票官方app, 贸易保护主义政策, 和 large shifts in the manufacturing l和scape means Swedish companies must be agile 和 progressive with their production 和 sales strategies. Underst和ing the shifting dynamics within APAC is crucial to both short- 和 long-term success in the region 和 beyond. 而中国作为全球制造业强国的实力似乎是无可争议的, the rise 和 importance of countries around the region 将 continue to influence manufacturing supply chains across all industry sectors 和 define growth success in both production 和 sales for Swedish companies in the region.


乐博彩票官方app商业 is hosting a webinar series aimed at providing Swedish companies with insights 和 knowledge on the current challenges 和 opportunities within APACs supply chain ecosystem. 这两场网络研讨会将涵盖亚太地区供应链的不同方面.  

第一个新冠疫情后,亚太地区制造业供应链如何为多元化做好准备-19 探索亚洲制造业的未来, China’s position 和 ambitions with the supply chain 和 what steps Swedish companies need to be fit for the future. 

第二个, 中国的“一带一路”倡议创造了新的供应路线 全球物流将重点关注 新冠肺炎疫情对中国“一带一路”建设的影响 和 探索公司如何针对特定领域寻找销售机会, 如何利用物流解决方案来降低风险, 以及对乐博彩票官方app企业在亚洲的足迹可能产生的正面和负面影响.